Best Tips To Keeping Milling Teeth Sharp

Best Tips To Keeping Milling Teeth Sharp

keeping your milling teeth sharp should always be the focus when maintaining your road milling machine. This is because the sharpness of the teeth has a direct impact on the performance and the productivity of the road milling machine.

But how do you keep your milling teeth? Well, some people may think about the sharpening of the tips, but that is not the only thing. There are many things you can do to keep your teeth sharp always, but most people know very little about them.

This blog has a list of the key things that road milling machine users need to do to keep their milling teeth sharp. Read the below tips:

Get Quality Teeth First

No matter what you do, if the quality of the teeth is not up to the standard, then you will definitely have a problem with keeping the teeth sharp. You need to start by checking the quality of milling teeth. This is the part that cuts the asphalt surface, and thus it’s the one that gets blunt. The tip should be tungsten carbide, which is the highest grade of carbide material. You can click for info about a supplier of quality tungsten carbide-tipped milling teeth.


With the quality milling teeth, the next thing you need to consider is regular sharpening. This is because the teeth will still wear out as long as you are using them. The tip will wear out, and they will time start wearing out. You need to understand when is the right time to sharpen your milling teeth. There are that will tell you that the milling teeth need sharpening, including a drastic reduction in performance as well as high fuel consumption. These are signs that indicate your machine’s cutter tools are not cutting efficiently.

Proper Maintenance

Make sure that you are maintaining your road milling machine and parts regularly and as recommended by the manufacturer. Proper maintenance enables to reduce the rate of wear and tear of the milling teeth to reduce the blunting. The maintenance and sharpening should go hand in hand. As you sharpen, you should also look at areas that require maintenance.

Proper Use

Last but not least way of keeping your milling teeth sharp is a proper application. All sets of milling teeth are designed to work in certain conditions. If they are exposed to rough and abrasive conditions not designed for, the rate of tear and wear is increased as well as the rate of blunting. So, use the teeth as recommended.